Did you know we have 49,000+ Adult Fiction & 35,000+ Adult Non-Fiction titles in our system. Go to our Card Catalog to check out these titles, or come browse the stacks and find a new favorite.
Dear Reader,
Many of you may have stayed up at midnight that night eagerly awaiting. You know the night we’re referring to. The night that, after two years of radio silence, Taylor Swift took her fans on a trip of pure nostalgia and surprise disclosures with new recordings, honing in more closely on her career and personal life.
Convinced to give it a listen? Stream it on our Hoopla app or download it here.
You might not have known this, but here’s a fun fact: February is National Library Lovers Month! This month is dedicated for all the bibliophiles of the world (for our avid vocabulary learners, “bibliophile” is a fancy term for “book lover”) and the people who love and depend on local libraries for building literacy skills, accessing information, and bringing the community together. Libraries are not only a treasure trove of ideas, but a way for people to share those ideas within a safe and inclusive space. That’s just one of the many reasons why we love them so much!
Whatever your struggle may be, here are some effective ways to get started with or get back into the habit of reading for leisure:
We hope these suggestions work well for you! If you’ve settled on a book you think you might like, don’t forget to check our catalog at fcl.org and place a hold on it so a copy can get to you more efficiently too!