Did you know we have 49,000+ Adult Fiction & 35,000+ Adult Non-Fiction titles in our system. Go to our Card Catalog to check out these titles, or come browse the stacks and find a new favorite.
The annual Bookcase Project is one of our most prominent community partnerships at the Faulkner County Library that we look forward to every year. Collaborating with the Conway Kiwanis Club and the Community Action Program for Central Arkansas (CAPCA), our library serves as a distribution center for the sets of personalized bookcases and book starter kits that 50 Head Start children from disadvantaged backgrounds receive to help them succeed in their education and development of literacy skills.
You may have heard from some of the local residents that Conway is referred to as the “City of Colleges.” They’re not wrong! In fact, Conway is home to three of them: the University of Central Arkansas, Hendrix College, and Central Baptist College. Over the years, we’ve been proud to hold partnerships and work collaboratively with each institution, from co-hosting campus events to tabling booths at their career fairs.
View a summary of her work here: