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It’s summertime! You know what that means: our brains immediately switch to vacation mode. Summer vacation looks a little different for all of us. For the kiddos and teens, it’s a period to unwind from the deadlines and busy times of school. For a lot of us adults, there’s still that work grind involved, but during this season we can find ourselves being blissfully whisked away to a relaxing getaway full of dopamine-inducing experiences. Or at least, that’s the goal! Whether that dream destination is sipping on a cocktail in the tropics or migrating to a cooler climate to shred the snowy mountain slopes, a likely part of your itinerary is taking the time to read a good book. After all, what’s a beach trip without a beach read?
*These books are currently not in our collection, but can be made available upon request. In the meantime, check out other books by these authors!