Did you know we have 49,000+ Adult Fiction & 35,000+ Adult Non-Fiction titles in our system. Go to our Card Catalog to check out these titles, or come browse the stacks and find a new favorite.
The annual Bookcase Project is one of our most prominent community partnerships at the Faulkner County Library that we look forward to every year. Collaborating with the Conway Kiwanis Club and the Community Action Program for Central Arkansas (CAPCA), our library serves as a distribution center for the sets of personalized bookcases and book starter kits that 50 Head Start children from disadvantaged backgrounds receive to help them succeed in their education and development of literacy skills.
Book bans are something that no library is immune to, and the effects can be devastating for communities. Not only is having access to information a constitutional freedom, but it is paramount to our advancement as a society. You’ve probably heard the famous quote from Winston Churchill, “those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Book bans and other aims at censorship from our past have proven his point: erasure only begets ignorance, and spins a vicious cycle of injustice that threatens liberty for everyone. Efforts to more closely scrutinize educational institutions nearly doubled in 2022–the American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom tracked over 1,269 attempts to ban books and other resources in libraries and schools. In the state of Arkansas, those same attempts are happening with greater frequency. Even our own library has been subject to a few book challenges over the past year, and we continue to combat opposition from the local to the legislative level.
According to the ALA, the most challenged books addressed topics on race, gender identity, sexuality, and reproductive health. 2022’s most challenged books were:
So how can you help fight against book bans and keep your library accessible to all?
Yes, it’s another post about a thematic month that’s widely celebrated! April is National Poetry Month, and this one actually occurs around the globe as the single largest celebration of literature. Launched by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, this is a special occasion that acknowledges the integral role of poets in our culture and society. Let’s just be honest–poetry is dang cool, and there’s so many different styles and stanzas, from haikus and sonnets to elegies and good ol’ free verse.
Philosophical discussions aside, we hope you enjoy this handpicked selection of the latest and greatest poetry in our library collection that fits well with the theme, and don’t forget to check out the 811.6s in our nonfiction sections for more!