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Celebrate Black History Month With These Monumental Reads

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Here at the library, the preservation of history remains one of the most important tasks to this day. In addition, we strive to make sure that equal representation of all aspects of history are reflected in our collection and that everyone has equal access to the items within. This is why amongst the shelves you’ll find historical books on the lives and experiences of every American, as well as different perspectives of those who bore witness to major events in our nation.

In February, we celebrate Black History Month! During this month, we focus on the accounts of Black Americans, both contemporary and past. Ranging from education to science to the civil rights movement, this is the time where we highlight and pay homage to their accomplishments. According to the American Library Association, Black History Month was founded in 1925 by Carter G. Woodson, a distinguished Black author and historian who wanted to raise awareness of Black Americans’ contributions to civilization. His inclusion efforts helped inspire and pave the way for diversity in America to be commemorated. Now librarians, educators, community leaders, and others annually dedicate the month of February–when it was first celebrated in 1926–as Black History Month, and it is officially recognized by the entire country. 
This year’s laudatory theme for Black History Month is Black Resistance. The purpose of this theme, states the Association for the Study of African American Life, is to take a  “multidisciplinary look at how {Black} people in a variety of careers and capacities resisted oppression in order to make strides forward” and is “a call to everyone, inside and outside the academy, to study the history of Black Americans’ responses to establish safe spaces, where Black life can be sustained, fortified, and respected.”

We love being able to have a well-rounded assembly of stories that share pivotal moments in our history, so we want to share some books from our collection that are great choices for Black History Month, featuring Black authors and notable Black Americans (many of these are Coretta Scott King Book Award recipients!): 

Children’s Literature

Juvenile Fiction & Nonfiction

Young Adult Novels

Adult Fiction & Nonfiction

For more information, be sure to visit, where you can find lesson plans, student activities, research aids, book guides, and more! 




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Service interruptions are likely and are expected to last roughly 30-minutes, but could be as long as 3-hours.

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