Did you know we have 49,000+ Adult Fiction & 35,000+ Adult Non-Fiction titles in our system. Go to our Card Catalog to check out these titles, or come browse the stacks and find a new favorite.
Today, books come in all mediums. Aside from traditional print literature, you can listen to a book on CD or download one in a digital format on your smartphone or tablet. Some people like the feeling of holding a physical book in their hands–and even enjoy the smell which, according to the International League for Antiquarian Booksellers, is commonly a mix of grass and vanilla scents due to the chemical compounds used during the creation process–while others prefer the convenience of an eBook's portability and cost effectiveness. You won’t get a late or damaged fee for one of those! The options are endless, and we at the Faulkner County Library aim to provide a vast amount of each of them.
Audiobooks in particular, whether online or physical copies, can be a medium that’s overlooked by readers, with some claiming that it doesn’t really count as reading because there are no words on a page involved. But before dismissing audiobooks, it’s important to recognize the multitude of benefits that arise from listening to them, as well as some advantages.