Circulation Limits and Fines
A library card or photo ID must be presented to check out library materials.
First-Time Users of Individual account cards will be limited to five items for their initial checkout. On return of those items, they will have full borrowing privileges.
Temporary Residents and Gateway cardholders may check out a maximum of five items per card.
All other cardholders in good standing may have a maximum of one hundred items checked out on each card.
Books, periodicals, and audiobooks circulate for four weeks. These may be renewed for two additional four-week periods, provided no request has been placed on the item. Requested items may not be renewed. New materials may be limited to a 14-day checkout period.
Audiovisual materials (other than audiobooks) circulate for one week. These may be renewed for one additional one-week period, provided no request has been placed on the item. Cardholders are limited to five music CDs and five DVDs and one TV Series per card at any given time.
Books and audiobooks not returned on time will incur a fine of 10¢ per day, up to a maximum of the replacement cost of the item. DVDs or CDs not returned on time will incur a fine of 50¢ per day, up to a maximum of $5 per item. Items not returned after maximum cost is incurred will be charged the replacement cost of the item.
An individual who accrues $100 or more in fines may have borrowing rights suspended until fines have been paid. Fines may be paid incrementally, and borrowing privileges may be restored when fines are reduced below $100. Cardholders who abuse library policies or damage library materials may lose borrowing rights permanently.
Materials may be renewed or holds placed by phone by providing the patron's name and library card number. Patrons may also renew or place requests on-line.
Fine Forgiveness
During the first two weeks of December the libraries will offer a Food for Fines period. Patrons may bring canned or non-perishable food items in lieu of overdue fines for items that have been returned. Food may not be donated in lieu of replacement for items that have not been returned; the amount of food donated is at the discretion of the patron.
Food collected in this period will be donated to local food pantries or community service organizations.
During the last two weeks in July, the libraries will collect school supplies in lieu of overdue fines for items that have been returned. Supplies may not be donated in lieu of replacement for items that have not been returned; the type and quantity of supplies donated is at the discretion of the patron.
The Regional Library Board may, at its discretion, offer similar fine forgiveness periods at other times during the year.
Requesting Unavailable Materials
Patrons may request that items not immediately available (checked out or in another branch location) be placed on hold. If multiple holds are requested for the same item, these will be filled in the order placed. Materials checked out may not be renewed when a hold request has been placed on the item(s).
Items not owned by the library system may be available through an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) request. Patrons with library cards in good standing may request such loans, which are subject to ILL agreements and to the terms and restrictions of the lending library.
Equipment checkout is primarily available only at the headquarters library in Conway. However, if items become available at other locations, they will follow the same procedures and costs.
Organizations or individuals may reserve equipment using a library card by contacting the assistant director. Items may be used on-site with no charge. For items that will leave the library building, a deposit of 10% of the replacement value will be required, as follows:
Equipment Cost Deposit
Slide Projector $535.00 $54.00
Projector Screen-small $160.00 $16.00
Projector Screen-small $160.00 $16.00
Overhead Projector $260.00 $26.00
Computer Projector $500.00 $50.00
Computer Projector $500.00 $50.00
PA Amp-small $200.00 $20.00
PA Amp-large $300.00 $30.00
PA System speakers $150.00 $15.00
PA System speakers $150.00 $15.00
Microphone $100.00 $10.00
Microphone $100.00 $10.00
Checkouts are for twenty-four (24) hours only. Some exceptions for longer periods may be arranged only with prior authorization. When the equipment is returned in good working order, the deposit will be returned to the individual or organization. If the equipment is returned damaged, the deposit will be used to cover the damage. If damage incurred is less than 10% replacement cost, a refund will be given for the difference. If the damage is more than the deposit charged, the cardholder will pay the actual cost of the repair up to and including replacement cost of the equipment.