Patrons’ Code of Conduct
The following policies apply to all persons, including library patrons as well as staff, while on library property.
The Faulkner/Van Buren Regional Library is a limited public forum that is open to the public for specified purposes: reading, studying, and using library materials and meeting facilities. It is the policy of the library that patrons have the right to use library materials and services without being disturbed or impeded by other library users and that patrons and staff have the right to a secure and congenial environment. Failure to follow the rules of conduct will result in disciplinary action being taken including loss of library privileges.
1. Any behavior that disrupts or hinders public use of the library is prohibited on library property. This includes, but is not limited to, loud or boisterous behavior, verbal or physical harassment, drunkenness, running, and fighting.
2. All conversations, including cell phone conversations, shall be limited to a length and noise level that does not disturb others.
3. Persons must wear shoes and, as appropriate, clothing that conforms to the generally accepted standards of the community. Clothing must be zippered, buttoned, or fastened, and avoid indecent exposure.
4. Use of Tobacco and E-Vapor devices in the library and its facilities is prohibited. Tobacco and E-Vapor device use will be permitted only in outdoor areas designated by the administration. Smoking will not be permitted where it poses a fire hazard.
5. Food and drinks are permitted only as part of library-sponsored programs or library-approved events in meeting rooms.
6. Bicycles, roller-skates and skateboards are not permitted in the library interior, public areas, or entryways. Bike racks are provided at some library locations for public use. Accommodations may be made with the circulation desk to hold roller-skates or skateboards until the patron is leaving. Personal property may not be left obstructing a corridor, hallway, aisle, entry or exit.
7. Solicitation in any form is not permitted in the library except in conjunction of a library-sponsored program.
8. Animals except those used to aid persons with disabilities are not permitted in the library, except as part of a library-sponsored program. Animals may not be left unattended on library property.
9. No weapons of any type are allowed in the library.
10. The violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances will not be permitted on library property. Theft, vandalism and mutilation of library property are criminal offenses and may be prosecuted. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, briefcases, backpacks and other such items when the staff has reason to believe this rule has been violated. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.
11. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on library property.
12. Children under the age of 6 must remain in the immediate company of their parents/caretakers at all times. Children ages 6-10 must have a parent/caretaker on the library premises. The library staff will notify local law enforcement if a child is abandoned on its premises.
Parents or legal custodians are responsible for the acts of their children. If a minor is guilty of vandalizing the library or its property, the parents or legal custodians are held financially responsible for damages and the household’s library privileges are subject to suspension or termination.