David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County library board to order on July 17, 2024, at 5:02PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk and David Jeffries were present, as well as Richard Roberts, Friends of The Library President Jeff Burgess, Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deb Meyer, and Regional Director John McGraw. Minutes of the June 12 meeting were reviewed. Joye moved to approve the minutes as presented. David Jeffries seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Library Financials were reviewed. The First Security account saw a net decrease of $364.30 with a final balance of $4963.53. First Service saw an increase of $556.44 in the Public Funds Super Now account for an ending balance of $2758.75. The Business Premier Money Market account increased $220.14, entirely due to interest on the balance. Millage spending was reviewed. There was discussion of moving expenses off the Law Library budget onto other accounts. Deb estimated that the Law Library would need to spend about $500 on books in 2024. David Jeffries moved to approve the expenditures. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
The locker software discussed previously costs $744. There was discussion about options for paying for it. John recommended the millage budget line for software subscriptions, 3102.
New Business
Deb proposed:
Ordering new checks to write against the Business Premier Money Market account.
Closing the Public Funds Super Now Account and moving the funds into the Business Premier Money. Market account.
Retiring the CD upon maturity in September and moving the funds into the Business Premier Money Market account.
This will consolidate the finances in a single account at each bank. The following board members will be available
to sign/approve these changes: David Emmerling, David Jeffries and Kelly Tester. David Jeffries moved to approve this consolidation of First Service Accounts. Joye seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Deb said she would be asking the quorum court to revise their petty cash standard from $40 to $100.
David Emmerling summarized the June discussion of prioritizing and pricing building issues. He gave the floor to Richard Roberts. Richard described his history and credentials in this area.
There was discussion about naming the land upon which the library sits.
The board by acclamation agreed to adjourn. The meeting ended at 6:04PM.
The next regional board meeting is July 24.
The next county board meeting is August 21
David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County library board to order on July 12, 2023, at 5:10PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk, and David Jeffries were present, as well as Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deb Meyer, Regional Director John McGraw, and Matt Walston.
Deb introduced Matt Walston, a Leslie resident with a Master of Library Science degree who is looking for work in the library field.
Minutes of the July 12 meeting were reviewed. David Jeffries moved to approve the minutes as amended. Joye seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Library Financials were reviewed. David Jeffries asked where the copier costs were in the listed transactions.
That is listed as Xerox Financial Services, which covers the lease and the insurance on the machine. It is billed monthly. Deb reported she has replaced HVAC filters and light bulbs and needs to purchase more bulbs. The 2024 budget will need more money for electrical supplies. Planning for the 2024 budget has begun. David Emmerling asked that a draft would be available at the September meeting. Printing has increased and more toners may be needed, perhaps paid from First Security. Joye moved to approve the financial transactions as presented. David Jeffries seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
Summer Reading was well attended. Circulation increased 25%. The library issued a large number of new cards. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program will soon have its first graduate to hit 1000 books.
New Business
Deb included a monthly statistics sheet which breaks down all the tasks' staff handled aside from checking books in and out.
Deb mentioned purchasing additional A-frame shelving, whether there were cheaper alternatives to library catalog pricing. Local craftsmen and the Arkansas Corrections Institute are two options.
John reported that two sections of Act 372 were enjoined, so reconsiderations policies were unchanged.
Mississippi has outlawed minors using Hoopla and Overdrive, and perhaps Arkansas will follow suit.
David moved to adjourn. Joye seconded the motion and the meeting ended at 5:48PM.
The library will be closed on September 4 for Labor Day.
The next county board meeting is September 13.
The next regional board meeting is October 25.
Minutes for August 21, 2024
The Van Buren County Library Board meeting was held on 21 August 2024 at 5:00 The following board members were in attendance, President David Emmerling, David Jeffries, Joye Hawke, Kelly Tester and Tracey Hastings. Also, present was Director Deborah Meyer, Admin Asst. Kim Tyler and our guest Landon G. Prior to officially starting the business, Mr. Landon G was here at the Directors bequest to present his business proposal to help the VBC Library to improve its Facebook image. Upon completion of the presentation the business meeting officially started. President David Emmerling called the meeting to order. Asking if to all members had reviewed the minutes and if there were no corrections if someone would make a motion to accept the minutes as read, Kelly Tester made the motion to accept the minutes as read, David Jeffries 2 and the motion carried.
Deb Meyer was asked to present the financial report. 1st Service Bank Starting/Ending Balance for acct #1023 is $2,758.75/$1772.77. Acct #3184 starting balance/ending balance of $66,668.09/$66,895.92. First Security Bank: starting and endling balance - $4953.53/5116.25. Deborah has arranged for the cancellation of the CD at maturity (this coming September 1st) and added to the Business Premier Acct (3184) Fund. Once all checks have cleared, the account for 1023 will be discontinued and any funds left will also be transferred to the library’s Business Premier Account (3184. The following members have agreed that one of the following library board members will be to be available to sign checks and other transactions on that account: David Emmerling, David Jeffries and Kelly Tester, and Director Deborah Meyer since they are the most accessible. David Jeffries made the motion to a accept the treasury report. Joye 2nd and the motion carried.
Old Business
Petty Cash: Quorum Court gave its approval for the library to have $100.00 in petty cash $40.00. Deborah will deduct $60.00 from the weekly intake and ensure that a receipt indicates that action taken.
New Business
Playaway Launchpads/Wonder books: The friends of the library purchased 10 Playaway’s and 8. Deborah recommends that we purchase more in the future. The patrons will be allowed to borrow them for 1 week. Many board members expressed concern regarding expense, breakage and damage cost to the consumer with a price range of $54.00 – $179.00. It was recommended that we wait and see how the equipment holds up.
Landon Gatliff local social media management consultant has agreed to assist the library in improving their Facebook image. Deb will work with Landon for the rest of the year, and present info to the board in January 2025.
Van Buren County Library Board
289 Factory Road, Clinton, AR 72031
Judge Dale James wants the library board to address naming surrounding property be dedicated to the Warrens (David and Jonell). He suggested “Warren’s Field”. Deb recommended that the name be given “Warren’s Lea”. A discussion was held regarding signage. David and others agree that they do not want signage distributed around the property. He made a proposal to see about adding the name to the current sign. Deborah is to get measurements of the current signage.
At 5:59, David Jeffries made the motion to adjourn, Tracy 2nd and the motion carried. Next board meeting will be 18 September @ 5:00pm.
Minutes for September 18, 2024
David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County Library Board to order at 5:06PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk, David Jeffries, and Kelly Tester were present, as well as Friends of the Library President Jeff Meredith, Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deborah Meyer, and Regional Director John McGraw.
Minutes of the August 21 meeting were reviewed. Under Old Business, a typo included the word “vice” which should be removed. David Jeffries moved to accept the minutes as amended. Kelly seconded the motion, which passed.
Financial reports were reviewed. Deb reported that the First Security account had an ending balance of $5,975.20. The First Service Money Market account had an ending balance of $64,620.66. The First Service Super Now account had an ending balance of $2,260.14. Checks written on this account were for air filters and the carpet cleaning service. Deb reported that the county had mistakenly paid the electric bill from Law Library funds rather than the Library millage fund. An ordinance correcting that will go to the quorum court. Kelly moved to approve the financial reports. David Jeffries seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
As discussed in August, upon maturity the CD with First Service was cancelled and the funds moved into the Money Market account.
As discussed in August, the current proposal for naming the campus is to call it “Warren’s Lea” with signage below the existing sign in 3” font, perhaps in Burgundy.
New Business
Deb is beginning to work up a 2025 budget. It will look very much like the 2024 budget, with some changes to Personnel, Utilities, and Magazine budget lines. More on that as deadlines appear.
A series of programs on elected officials and their job duties kicked off with County Judge Dale James. Upcoming programs will focus on the Election Commissioner and Secretary of State.
Asked about Landon Gatliff’s work so far on social media, Deb reported he has begun scheduling posts for maximum impact, including well received posts on Hannah’s program and Wonderbooks.
Joye moved to adjourn. Kelly seconded the motion, which passed. The meeting adjourned at 5:40PM
Minutes for October 16, 2024
David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County Library Board to order at 5:06PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk, and David Jeffries were present, as well as Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deborah Meyer, and Regional Director John McGraw.
Minutes of the September 18 meeting were reviewed. David Jeffries moved to accept the minutes as amended. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
Financial reports were reviewed. Deb reported that the First Security account had an ending balance of $4,887.11. Checks written on this account were to Demco for library supplies.
The First Service Money Market account had an ending balance of $62,088.65. The First Service Super Now account had an ending balance of $925.32. Contrary to the wishes of the library board detailed in past months’ minutes, First Service created a new account (#3475) for the funds of the retired CD. Furthermore, they have charged the account $137.75 for deposit slips. It is unclear who the signatories are to the new account. Finally, the bank statements for the library accounts do not seem to have the library address on file, but 234 Moss Street instead. The board directed Deb to close the #3475 account and deposit the money in the Money Market account #3184 as previously directed.
On the millage accounts, there was discussion of magazine renewals in light of past board recommendations regarding magazines. The distinction between lease payments on the copier versus copy-cost payments on the ledger were discussed. There were questions about what benefits are attached to the payment to AFLAC. The reimbursement due to the Law Library fund passed the Quorum Court but were not reflected on the ledger for the October meeting.
David Jeffries moved to approve the financial reports with these reservations noted. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
The 2025 Budget proposal includes a 3% increase in salaries. It moves most costs off of the Law Library and onto the millage account. Deb will ask to have separate budget lines for Small Equipment and Books. Joye moved to send the budget as presented to the Budget Committee. David Jeffries seconded the motion, which passed.
New Business
Deb presented a volunteer policy for the board to review. John offered that Faulkner County had spent some time on this this year, and he would have staff share policies and forms.
There was discussion about working with schools to drop off and pick up books, perhaps on a weekly basis. John noted that Faulkner County has a system for this which could be scaled down as needed. New pick-up locations and patron types would be required, but are easy to do.
Joye moved to adjourn. David Jeffries seconded the motion, which passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:09PM
Minutes for November 20, 2024
David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County Library Board to order at 5:10PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk, David Jeffries, and Kelly Tester were present, as well as Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deborah Meyer, and Regional Director John McGraw.
Minutes of the October 16 meeting were reviewed. David Jeffries moved to accept the minutes as amended. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
Financial reports were reviewed.
First Service consolidated funds into the Money Market account, which had an ending balance of $97,084.89. There is $925.36 remaining in the Super Now account. When the remaining checks have cleared, this fund will be folded into the Money Market account.
The First Security account had a net gain of $1374.00 for an ending balance of 6261.11.
Joye moved to approve the financial reports. Kelly seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
The Budget Committee approved a budget which contains no raises for staff, separates Books and Small Equipment onto different lines, and transfers utilities back onto the millage budget. The water bill will be higher in 2025. Only law books are budgeted for the Law Library fund in 2025. There was discussion about the amount available to appropriate, as the Treasurer’s statement seems to misstate the available carry-over and the likely revenue.
New Business
Gibbs Service Company submitted a bid for HVAC service in 2025. John stated he had met with a representative of Bernhard that morning and urged him to bid on HVAC for Clinton as well.
Deb discussed the school partnership agreements made with Southside and Shirley school districts, and where the process is at with the Clinton school district. School libraries essentially become branch locations where holds can be requested, circulated, and returned. The goal is to have them running January 1.
Farmer’s Market discussions are ongoing.
Kelly moved to adjourn. Joye seconded the motion, which passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:03PM.
Minutes for December 18, 2024
David Emmerling called the monthly meeting of the Van Buren County Library Board to order at 5:06PM. Board members David Emmerling, Joye Hawk, David Jeffries, and Kelly Tester were present, as well as Administrative Assistant Kim Tyler, Director Deborah Meyer, and Regional Director John McGraw.
Minutes of the November 20 meeting were reviewed. Kelly moved to accept the minutes as amended. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
Financial reports were reviewed.
First Service Money Market account had an ending balance of $97,908.65. There is $594.22 remaining in the Super Now account which will be folded into the Money Market account.
The First Security account had a net gain of $948.30 for an ending balance of $7,209.41.
There was discussion of millage collection over the current and previous 2 years, as well as projections going forward. There were questions about the size of the credit card bill, which was due to the two Mac computers approved by the board in March.
Kelly moved to approve the financial reports. David Jeffries seconded the motion, which passed.
Old Business
The school partnerships are proceeding, with Clinton still unfinished. Color-coded bins being purchased to keep schools straight.
Library-hosted farmer’s market likely not feasible due to a lack of outdoor electricity.
New Business
Deb reported that she wanted to invest more in training for staff in 2025. She requested a year’s subscription to Niche Academy. It is available at considerable discount at present, It would be paid for out of the First Service account, not the millage. David Jeffries moved to approve purchasing a year of Niche Academy. Kelly seconded the motion, which passed.
HVAC service contracts were considered. Bernhard was the low bid. Other bids were from Gibbs & Trane. After considerable discussion, Kelly moved to accept the Bernhard bid. Joye seconded the motion, which passed.
John discussed the possibility of board training. The timing of the Faulkner County board meeting is not ideal for board training, so John was considering moving it to the January 22 Regional board meeting, if there was interest on the Van Buren county side for training. That was approved by acclamation.
The next county board meeting is January 15th.
Kelly moved to adjourn. Joye seconded the motion, which passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:06PM