Did you know we have 49,000+ Adult Fiction & 35,000+ Adult Non-Fiction titles in our system. Go to our Card Catalog to check out these titles, or come browse the stacks and find a new favorite.
Online Registration:
To get started, register online, and we will get your child’s enrollment packet prepped for curbside pickup. Wait to be notified that it is ready.
Description: This is a fun, exciting, and free program to help your little one who has not yet started kindergarten, get started on the path to success! The simple and enjoyable act of sharing books help children develop pre-reading skills such as understanding the sounds letters make, growing a robust vocabulary, and building background knowledge. These are skills that help prepare children for learning to read and write. This program supports the 5 skills children need to get ready to read: talking, singing, reading, writing, & playing.
Every time a child completes 100 books, the caregiver turns the reading log into the library. The library will then give the child a free book, the next set of reading logs, and rewards from our community partners.
Participating libraries in our system:
Mt. Vernon